Sunday, March 9, 2008


Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said that a good coffee is as stimulating as good conversation that both can keep you wide awake even at the deepest stretch of the night. Coffee and conversation do not only share their similarity in keeping us awake but also they often meet whenever great ideas are made and intellectual thoughts are created.

Diplomatic issues are discussed over a cup of coffee, office problems are talked over a cup of starbucks cappuccino, union strikes are planned with Great Taste 3in1 and even family problems are sometimes solved alongside Nescafe instant coffee. Conversation and coffee is such a great combination that even before Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Dr.King’s dream piece were written, both orators talked about these ideas with their colleagues as caffeine aroma emanates from their cups.

The idea of coffee being a partner to thoughts and ideas is what inspired the theme of this blog. With this coffee theme, topics such as politics, beliefs and other stuffs as serious as an espresso can be expected. Also, familiar street debates and city stories as common as coffee in sachets sold in stores will be shared and imparted. Basically, this blog is intended to resemble the simple talk friends and acquaintances used to have over a simple cup of coffee.

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